MembersPage/Yaw_S50B32 (2023-01-19 19:20:24)

BMW S50B32 engine I-6cyl straight

Pin numbers are for Motronic 88 connector unless otherwise noted.

Trigger verification

Third trigger (3rd trigger VR) s50b32/pin35

Via helper board (4 PFET + VR to HALL)

GND return signal for S50B32 third trigger: mot88/pin .. ?

The 3rd trig GND return is verified manually. The tester tests 3rd trigger VR functionality, but with GND also connected elsewhere, so missing GND return for 3rd trigger might sneak through quality test theoretically (although it should not happen).

GND signals for S50B32 :

Please verify all:


I remember one guy from france had problem with s50b32 P&P unit and the problem of it was that somebody forgot connection between pfet/vr interface board and main pcb. there was no wire, after installing it it was fine


It was the output from vr interface board to pcb,

<a href=""><img src="314636677-499514948779141-5910350390016292868-n.jpg" alt="314636677-499514948779141-5910350390016292868-n" border="0"></a>

See MembersPage/SFiftyBthirtyTwo