MembersPage/PeterJensen (2006-03-16 04:43:08)


I am starting building the VEMS board for my Corrado g60 turbo.

Corrado 1989

1800 ccm

Turbo Garret T3 60 trim

Mail: motor at


Need help for Wbo2

When I issued the command “Manmde02”, the heater turned ON but it seemed to turn OFF again after one scan. The problem was: 1A supply was too weak

If the supply is too weak:

If you want to tweak the settings, check the following config variables:

(copied from global.h, the firsthand source of variables)\n

  uint8_t wbo2_limit_maxt;     // wbo2, max time spent at abs_limit [262msec]
  uint8_t wbo2_fallback;     // wbo2, fallback V after maxt [1c=10V ff=30V] ... actually this comment is bogus, FF is 100%
  uint8_t wbo2_retry_t;     // wbo2, retry control after [4sec]

Need help for compiling firmware

The released binary from GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges has WBO2 enabled. (in my_make MY_CONF += -D WBO2)

I triad to compile like:

1. Make clean

2. sh

3. make all

But no vems.hex fil will be generated



If you insist on compiling: