MembersPage/Kamuto/VemsV4 (2021-10-15 12:23:52)

here I will be putting vems V4 related stuff if I'm ever getting one. at the moment still not having one, it's about half a year late from the date it was promised.


V4 FW requirements based on review of current V3 1.2.43 FW - Gunni

Time to put the V in versatile engine management to work!

  • Deadtime 3d table
  • Battery voltage vs delta fuel pressure (delta fuel pressure can be an assumed fixed number if no sensor is fitted), Z is milliseconds
  • Get rid of Traditional entirely.
  • Fuel density table required
  • 3d table with ethanol content vs fuel temperature, Z is grams per liter
  • Fuel stoichometric curve required
  • 2d table with ethanol content as the X axis. Z is AFR
  • If the vehicle runs on non petrol or ethanol based fuel something like methanol or a proportion of methanol coming out of the main injectors, the appropriate stoichometric value should still be put into the stoich curve and fuel density put into the fuel density table.
  • In essence convert the fuel model to mass based.
  • Air mass being - Air volume (VE * RPM ) * Air density (Air intake temp/Charge temp)
  • Fuel mass being - Fuel volume (( Inj opening time ) * Fuel pressure delta(MAP vs Fuel system pressure) ) * Fuel density (Fuel temp)
  • Cylinder fuel trim
  • 3d table for each injector cylinder output (only enabled if injector output is being used as an injector output), Z is % multiplier
  • Y axis - TPS, MAP, LOAD or whatever the user wants)
  • X axis - RPM usually or whatever the user wants
  • This means additive trim is not needed
  • Injector angle curve
  • 3d table 1
  • Y axis - TPS, MAP, LOAD or whatever the user wants)
  • X axis - RPM usually or whatever the user wants
  • This is because transport time is related to air velocity and so the same angle for every load for a single rpm point is not accurate.
  • 3d table 2 - can be used for angle trim based on whatever the users wants vs whatever the user wants (coolant temp, air temp, etc)
  • Angle table 1 + Angle table 2 = Z = final end of injection angle in BTDC

  • Injector staging
  • Complete copy of normal injector settings Deadtimes, Injector trims, Injector angle curve, injector output visual secondary, fuel density, fuel stoichometric curve etc
  • 3d table with usually MAP x RPM or whatever the user wants, Z is the value of total injection amount of the primary injectors in %.
  • Example :
  • Main fuel table requires 1000cc/min per injector flow at Y load and X RPM, but the main injectors would require 150% open time(they are 666cc/min).
  • This table can allow the secondary injectors to flow anywhere between 0-100%.
  • If the secondary injectors are for instance also 666cc/min then 50% in the table would open each injector 50% of the required total fuel flow
  • This would be 150*0.5=75% per injector in this example.
  • At 60% in the table would make the secondary injectors open for 90% and the primary injectors 60% (60+90=150%)
  • This is of course changes with differently sized injectors or the different type of fuel coming from the secondary injectors.
  • When the fuel and fuel injectors settings are correct for both primary and secondary then any % change in the 3d table should yield the same lambda.
  • The reasons to lean more on the seconary injectors can be to lean more on the secondary fuel type ( water methanol injection, methanol injection, ethanol, gas injection etc)

  • Cyl seperated spark delay
  • 3d table for each cylinder of usually Y is TPS, MAP or LOAD and X is rpm , Z is ignition advance delta

  • Step size can be removed
  • Speed limit (PID )
  • 3d table for each term
  • P table usually Y is TPS, MAP or whatever the user wants and X is Lambda error, Z is % of instant fuel change
  • I Table usually Y is TPS, MAP or whatever the user wants and X is Lambda error, Z is the % of change to add to the current I term
  • D Table usually Y is Rate of lambda error and X is lambda error. Z is the % of instance fuel change
  • I terms needs maximum and minimum allowed limits like idle control in 3d tables , Y as TPS, MAP or LOAD or whatever the users wants, X is RPM, Z for maximum limit represented as a positive value in it?s table, Z for minimum limit represented as a negative value in it?s table
  • No need for dynamic speed or assymetric speed with the above changes.

  • Vbatt compensation is a curve and not a single factor, X axis is VBAT, Z is % multiplier to the strategy normal output
  • PID settings
  • Tables for each term, like lambda control above. straight linear PID terms are not enough for best possible control.
  • P table ideally is Y is current TPS position , X is DBW target error
  • Inputs can be removed and internalized based on sensor setup menu , no need to double up selection points.
  • Safety output also internalized as it?s now inside the ECU vs V3
  • Other safety features required are thresholds for determining one of the TPS or PPS inputs has failed and DBW H-bridge must be shut down.

  • 3d table for fadeout time Y as TPS, MAP or user selected, X axis is coolant temp, Z is cycles
  • 3d table for Acc cold mult factor, Y as TPS, MAP or user selected, X axis is coolant temp, Z is % fuel multiplier
  • 3d table for Cold accel added amount, Y as TPS, MAP or user selected, X axis is coolant temp, Z is % fuel multiplier
  • 3d table for ign retard Y can be TPS, MAP or user selected, usually related to the amount of Accel enrichment, Z is % fuel multiplier
  • 3d table for d/TPS vs RPM , negative d/TPS available
  • 3d table for d/MAP vs RPM , negative d/MAP available

  • Integral limits need 3d tables, Y is run time/cycle since start or whatever the user wants, X is RPM, Z is IAC% MIN or MAX currently allowed

  • PID settings
  • Same as everything else so far
  • P table usually Y is TPS, MAP or whatever the user wants and X is Target error, Z is % BOOST DC% TRIM
  • I Table usually Y is TPS, MAP or whatever the user wants and X is Target error, Z is the % of change to add to the current I term, I term is % BOOST DC% TRIM
  • D Table usually Y is Rate of Target error and X is target error. Z is % BOOST DC% TRIM
  • These tables take over the PD control, PI Control, PID overlap range and the PID factors.

  • For direct output PWM Anytrim Control 1 , the Duty cycle and Frequency can be fixed elements or come from other Anytrim Control or Anytrim Math or Realtime channel sources
  • Example 1 : Closed loop PWM output with varying duty cycle (Base 3d table Z + PID loop Z) but frequency is fixed to Boost output frequency or RPM or from Anytrim Control 2
  • Example 2 : Closed loop PWM output with varying frequency , but duty cycle is fixed to Injector 1 DC% or Boost DC% or IAC% DC or Anytrim Control 2

Send us some V4 ECUs and we can all get to work