HungarianElectoralPurchasedVotes (2018-04-10 09:21:25)

The purchased votes:

after subsidy from taxpayer's money, for individuals who don't have to pay tax.

[96938 / 103220 = 93.91 %]

93.91% voted in favor of the Fidesz-KDNP party

While the number might not seem overwhelming, it is just one part of the claimed result, must be considered together with the nonsense Electoral system, and other frauds.

Note: this is not about the people. They are obviously nice people no matter how they voted, and how they came to the conclusion.

This is about how the Electoral system was manipulated in multiple ways to allow 67% representation and full power with appr. 35% support.

This is about how "democratic principles" can be completely neglected to elect totalitarian government, while making the process seem "democratic".

Important to learn, and correct as early as possible.