HungarianElectoralFraud (2018-04-12 19:30:42)

Important information: the history of this "2018 democratic election fraud" will be a major event in world history, to teach generations in the next few thousand years some Media/mass manipulation and "Democracy" fraud tricks. [Hungarian note]

[official election result data] - you can find the numbers there.


CONCLUSION: the official report is the primary evidence that the election was fraud

"Vote" here means votes cast on parties (the election system also has votes cast on regional "individual candidates", roughly in same numbers: not included here)

Recommendation to "democracies" around the world:

Think about crypto-hardening the system, that are low cost, and can provide proofs. Traditional election systems can be manipulated in several ways that (usually) cannot be proven.

Miracle: Winning more than 2/3 of seats, while more than 50% voted against them.

Most people are unsatisfied with the result.

The Hungarian Government Party Fidesz-KDNP claims to have won (2506609=) 48.89% of votes

The election was a fraud in multiple obvious ways.

It should be obvious by looking at the numbers:

Also in several non-obvious ways. Even if we neglect those, and only consider the obvious ways, the only conclusion is that the election was a fraud.

2018-04-08 was an extremely nice sunny Sunday, number of voters was obviously record high, as reported by authorities (only the number of voters is reported before 19:00, not any other partial results)

The midday data that indicated that more than 71% of 8305363 voters voted. However, somehow the number of voters after 18:30 was negative, according to official reports.

Average number of votes: appr 6% / hour ( very low between 6:00 and 7:00 and reasonabetween 7:00 and 19:00).

However, the '''reported voting results show total 5325376 votes, so even the official results clearly show more than 333000 votes lost.

More realistically by the end of voting 71.5% ( 5938335 estimated) votes cast and appr 600000 votes lost).

Analyzing the reported vote data I personally found it difficult to find any other contradicting evidence other than the number of votes lower than the election voting numbers reported by same authorities.

Unfortunately the voting procedure is intentionally extremely low-tech. No cryptography, no cameras. Guess who guards the boxes that contain the votes.

There is no hope that recounting the papers would reveal what actually happened.

No parliament has any authority before the whole election is repeated. An election must not be conducted according to the Election law and rules of Fidesz-KDNP which they simply inaugurated in favor of themselves.

After 19h CEST no more voters were allowed to queue, but those in queue were allowed to cast their votes, which lasted till 23h.


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