BluetoothModuleInside (2021-12-11 18:20:06)

Rather an example of how NOT to do it.

We received a home-assembled ECU with a BT-serial (not RS232 but logiclevel serial "fbus") module inside ECU: an unsupported setup (connected wrong so it did not work and prevented wired VT communications; Disconnecting BT-RS232 => VT communication started to work immediately).

The only times I've seen this it's been from Peep. It's caused Jason/ a dozen or more of wasted support hours per year.

Incidentally, the PIN for the module is 9111.

See BroadcastDatastreamAim for AIM only (not triggerframe), this way ECU => BT module one-way communication should work.

Second RS232 is preferred

Possible Solutions:

However we could not pair it with Android. The provided PW did NOT work for us (tried several Androids, and also tried 1234 1111 0000 PINs).

We do not know how the module was used, although suspect that perhaps not with phone, but with another HC-06 module, or a PC.

Perhaps the module might have been partially damaged before, due to feeding strong 5V TXD signal to the 3V3 level RX input of the module.

We are a bit puzzled, given that the reported outputs were good, and some other (apparently not actually used) output was faulty.

Mostly spent time with the non-standard, hack-installed HC-06 (or HC-05?) module (which partially responded to AT+... commands, mostly not), the purpose and actual setup of which is not clear (if talking to PC, or Android, or other HC-06/HC-05 module or other ?) .

A project page from MembersPage/Europe for that Porsche should be a good way to proceed. With outputs, any problems, and anything special (the specially installed BT-module, for example.)