VemsTune/WishList (2012-02-12 23:32:37)


This page should generally contain only wishes and observations about functionality, not bug reports. Use IssueReports/VemsTune for bug reports.

Auto Tune. Inspiration for developers

General wishes

Found this program Virtual dyno and hope we could have the same function in Vt so we can see when we are making more power Hp/Nm


make a 2000-6000 pull and 100% tps

Convert to .csv

open csv file in excel

delete the first line “vems” to make it work

Nice functions to have in Vt:

Peek Nm and Hp

3 runs graph in the same row

Measurement on the fly

Addition to this idea -

Being able to select a spread of data in the log viewer and make it calculate performance (Wheel HP) i.e a 3rd, 4th or even 5th gear pull, if there is no road speed logged(wheel speed input or GPS), then gear ratios and drive ratios + tyre size can figure out road speed from rpm. The application of gear ratios and Cd, frontal area and all that can be implemented into the config or vemstune itself (attached to the ecu in question), the software calculates the drag at all vehicle speeds easily enough from this. After selecting the relevant data and hitting HP or similar then a dyno graph comes up. You can then add channels to the graph, like boost, lambda and all the usual thing you normally do on a dyno.

Then road tuning can be extremely easy, tune much like this Virtual Dyno software does, Also make it available to VEMS Round. Making it even more advanced over what it already does.

By selecting it in the log then, not only will all old logs work, but You don´t need to do a special dyno pull of any kind.

Its of course down to the user to use a straight road, even windspeed both ways and so on. The exactness of the Cd or frontal area is not critical either as it´s main purpose is to compare pulls.

Not only that, if vehicle speed is always known, there could be a constant HP / Torque gauge as well (given that Cd and so on is in there)

Wish for the Round

A wizard to create the wideband custom curve would be very useful, just a simple two point linear curve generator would suffice in most cases that allows you to simply set min/max lambda and corresponding min/max output voltage. It's also useful to have a test-mode where you can force the output while checking for the same result in the ECU that receives the signal. The test mode is useful for all output types, not just the custom curve. I got within 0.01 AFR acurracy from 10:1 to 20:1 AFR with an Autronic unit, if not for the test mode I would have been 0.4 AFR off at either end of the signal.

Download WButil for TechEdge WBO2 and play with it: [Unzip and run]

Here is how it's curve wizard appears with the test mode,

The blue line is the wideband units signal and the red line is generated from the wizard. The crosshair is at the test output voltage.


Log viewer

Separate topic on support forums : [link]

Postponed ideas