MembersPage/SteenAndersen/Progress (2005-04-03 05:10:44)

Sub page for MembersPage/SteenAndersen

My Progress status

This page should describe my progress

Update: 03 Apr. 2005

OK. I gave up to compile the Firmware, and downloaded the released version form GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges

I got the serial port to work from perl by installing Win32-API + Serial port support. And succeded to upload Vems.hex file to GenBoard.

I tried to use Megatune, but the configuration files seems to be wrong. I can see the reealtime parameters like temp, rpm, clt, iat, a.s.o.

Then i trid to install MegaTunix, it seem to work until i enter the motor detail s page then i crashes.

So for now i only have RS232, LCD, PS2, and perl up working

I tested almost all the port's with mdhXX command.

Next i think i have to start consider how the tables.txt and config.txt will look like.

Update: 25. March 2005

I Have Connected and Tested Communication to RS-232, PS2 Keyboard, and LCD Display. I tried the mxc command, ant tried the mcd and got the whole set off parameters in return. YAHOOO....... :-)

So far it's a success; but i must say that it's not htat easy, and theres a lack off a better toturial or building manual; f.i. the pinout for the PS2 Kayboard isnot in the Genboard/Manual/Kayboard as one would expect, and ther is a type error in the old StepByStep guide, that JP-PS-2 and 3 is connected to the same DIN6 Pin.