MembersPage/RichardChwiendacz (2005-06-12 20:20:14)

Look at my MembersPage/RichardChwiendacz/Blog to see my progress!

Also, for anyone interested in VEMSing the Mazda 1.8L BP engine (Mazda Miata, Protege, European 323f, USDM Ford Escort gt, Mercury Tracer LTS, Aussie Ford Laser), check MembersPage/MichaelRichards and MembersPage/Fero as their engines are virtually identical the one in my Escort GT.

Current Project:

1992 Ford Escort GT Turbo


Just a note: Everyone who is new to this should go on irc. The guys on there are quite helpful and the realtime feedback is excellent. If you get any especially useful information, don't forget to add it to the wiki!

EFnet: #avrboard - when i'm on IRC, i'm usually ThingyNss, or ThingyZzz when I'm oot and aboot and/or sleeping.

Anyone can contact me at:

thingyness (at) shaw (dot) ca