MembersPage/NicolasGobet (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

-- I NEED HELP PLEASE (updated 11 december 2006)

BUT, I'm not yet able to communicate with the processor using serial cable.

What I know:

Here come the questions:

  • just because you only have one com port does not mean it is named "com1". I have only one comm port on my laptop, but it is named "com5". Have you tried all other comm port names (1...8)?
  • I tried com1...com4 i think. there is a scan function in bray terminal and it doesn't find something else than com1 and com2. Megaloader is unable to open com port from com3 to com8
  • to send a new vems.hex without megaloader, perl ...path.../ vems.hex :COM3 Etw
  • but you should find out x for your COMx -port first, and find out if you get answer in either 19200,8n1 or 9600,8n1 for 'S' (capital S, see above). If megaloader does not work, will likely not work either (and it needs serialport library).
  • I tried to send 'S' command in all the baud rate suggested, but I was unsuccessful. I even tried all other rates.

Hans: I don't know what was on the V3.1 board from the shop.. but try and see the 2, 3 and 4'th guides on this page:

Thanks for help


old stuff since here (solved problems)

BUT, I'm not yet able to communicate with the processor using serial cable.

My com port are working fine - tested with dos:

My serial cable is ok

What should I test next? I'm afraid I made a mistake...

-- Work done

-- Presentation

I've just started ooking seriously at Vems for my next engin/projet: a 63 beetle with porsche 915 tranny and type 4 supercharged engin - my next daily.

Pictures of my cars on this website (sorry, everything is in french) - take a quick look at the gallery