MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/PeppesBmw (2005-10-10 09:35:37)

BMW E30 323 with M20B25



Engine has been started as of yesterday, a few issues to sort out before we get to really run it in but there seem to be no show stoppers.

The goal

A full featured Genboard on a turbo-charged engine:

The fuel injection could be called semi-sequential due to the fact that no cam sensor is available, but may be installed in the future.


I'm helping a local guy with installing a Genboard on a M20B25 BMW inline 6 cyl engine with Bosch L-jetronic electronics and intake and distributor ignition. The M20B25 originally doesn't come in this configuration (Motronic only) but a previous owner swapped out the block and head of the 323 for 2.5 litre parts and retained the electronics and intake (very stupid, engine ran lean on too small injectors). The stock harness will be cut-up and partly re-used and directly wired to EC connectors - a lesson learned from a previous BMW 728 project with similar electronics, meaning the stock L-jetronic connector and box will not be used.