MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/AudiSFour (2010-10-05 23:27:45)

I installed a Motronic pnp on an Audi S4 where the main modifications to the engine were :

With firmware 1.1.81 it runs very well 99% of the time and gets good fuel economy. But there are a few problems.

Trigger errors

Sometimes the ECU flags "Too many Pr trig.". You can see small dips and peaks in the rpm even though there are no errors reported, so something is not right here and obviously not reported. The trigger error event can happen has been seen to happen at idle a lot but never occurs 99.9% of the time.

The secondary trigger edge is set to "rising" as that is the same setting as in the factory setting when delivered from VEMS HQ.

Some things to be done.

Here is a log :


The idle air valve doesn't work very well, even when used only with refDC table without any PID regulation. If you force the position you can sense that it overshoots when it moves, like it has great inertia. The exact same settings work flawlessly on other cars, so I assume the valve needs to be replaced.

Q: Is there an internal diode in the PnP ECU to cut the flyback voltage?

Like a Schottky or similar diode, the injector flyback is not enough I assume?