MembersPage/KarlBuchka/Fuel (2008-07-06 14:02:13)

I have still not purchased new injectors, but as of writing I am looking at Delphi Multec 1 95 lb/hr injectors (~1030cc). Currently trying to find a detailed spec sheet, but with little luck. Here is what I know (from

I have located this Delphi webpage:

Apparently the Delphi part number is FJ10456. The site lists no other useful information.

I'd like to have some 'ballpark' figures for the following values. Any suggestions?

MembersPage/KevinBlack/InjectorSpecDatabase has a more complete set of these numbers for the Delphi 95lb/hr injectors. Mirrored here:

Delphi Low-Z 95#/hr (with 30v TS diode and 6R8 resistors)

* Inj open time @13.2V (us) 0

* Inj effective rampup (us) 512

* injrampup_battfac (us) 4080

* battfac (us) ???

* Injpwm DC (%) 100

* Injpwm DC added @6V (%)0

* Injpwm peak time (ms) 25.5

The low-z injectors will require power resistors. As mentioned earlier, I can source them in almost any spec I want. I understand the resistors are used for current limiting, but how much current am I aiming for? A couple of quick calculations yields a 12ohm resistor for a current of 1A and 5ohm for 2A (both assuming 2ohm injector resistance and 14V supply).

I calculated req_fuel to 2.89 using (6.49 * 2300[cc] / 5 / 1032[cc/min]). Is it worth it to halve this and double my VE values?

As of now I plan to use my current Megasquirt fuel map (with values scaled) as a base map.