MembersPage/JorgenKarlsson/MiataNb (2015-03-22 16:54:05)

Mazda Miata trigger

I found that with 1.2.31 TDC_after_trigger had to be set at 9deg when strobing the engine. I strobed the car on #1 cylinder on 0,10,20,30 and 40 deg and it worked fine. It also drove fine when I did the initial tune. There is an exception which allow 0-10 deg TDC_after_trigger when using coil type trigger. I think that applies for this trigger as well and that is why it can be driven at all. The only thing I notice is a hickup when the car starts up, IIRC this happens on the cars where the 0-10deg setting has to be used.

I'm afraid that something was not correct with the documentation I supplied for the trigger development. I took by scoping another car and made the trigger pattern below based on that car.

Dave quickly implemented a choice between trigging after shortgap or after longgap. I still get ignition events in the triggerlog in the same location as before when setting it at shortgap but when choosing longgap under the Maserati settings I get nothing.

Shortgap triggerlog:

Longgap triggerlog:

Config before updating to 1.1.32:

Config after updating to 1.1.32:

I will cancel the dyno session I planned for tuesday evening, the car is at the customers house and I don't want him to travel to the dyno before I know this is sorted.

I started the car on 1.2.32, it would no longer start with the TDC_after trigger setting of 9deg. But with 30 deg it would start. It did however miss a lot. It instantly died if set to 9deg while running again.

The car ran fine when downgrading to 1.2.31 again.

Thanks for implementing this trigger system quickly! -Jörgen


The Mazda Miata is one of the most popular spec race cars in use in Sweden. One very successful combination is to put the 99-01 NB engine in the early

90's cars. The leading race car drivers here in Sweden wish to run with the stock trigger as they want the option to run the car on the stock engine

management system if there is a problem.

I am developing a plug and play harness for these cars and I would like us to look at the trigger to see if we can make this work reliably.

Trigger system

The crank and cam sensors are hall triggers on the 99-01 Miata NB engine. The teeth on the crank look like they are made for a VR trigger but it really

is a Hall trigger.

This is what I found when scoping the car. This should be sufficient for implementing the trigger. It could be a degree or two off here and there as it

was taken with a scope on an idling car.

As the crank trigger pattern is not symetric it's probably simplest to decode to a 4+1 trigger by counting and ignoring teeth.

Possible pseudo code for the input filter:\nÿ1ÿ

Note: this implementation depends on sectrig : Even if it has distributer (which I don't know), and same ignchannel configured for all 4 entries;

it depends on working camsync, and will NOT limphome with broken sectrig.


They are not 90 degree apart, they are asymetric. something like 70-110-70-110 degrees.

I have trigger log of this. It is correct - Can you publish triggerlog ?

I removed 2 teeth, and got 2 x 180degree teeth and ran waste. Starts every other time.

Now i need Cam sync. /Thorbjörn