MembersPage/HansK/CurrentProblems (2005-11-29 07:57:50)


When ever the engine has been turned on it has big problems, it does start but sounds like it mis-fire and it "jumps" when traying to accelerate just a little.

It does not not matter if the car is warm or cold, or if it has been turned off for 1 minute or 1 hour, but the problem seems to stop just around when the Lambda-reading appears om the display or just before..?

Could this bee related to some lambda-warmup thing that could disturbe the surroundings, or does the lambda controle work the same all the time?

If the mixture is very rich, and it cannot ignite, O2 gets to the exhaust. Because of this, the WBO2 thinks it is lean, and ego-correction adds more fuel which does not help the issue.

Make the EGO range very narrow, like

read TuningSession/VEtuning for more on the subject.