MembersPage/GergelyLezsak (2005-06-24 14:16:38)

My project car is a BMW E30 from 1984. In 1996 the car had been rebuilt and got a 325i engine with a TD04 turbo.


Since then it has got some major improvements like limited slip differential, intercooler, water injection, etc.

Engine management remained Motronic 1.3

Now it suffers from the lack of engine control, sometimes knocking sometimes coughing, that's why I'm here, and want to see a GenBoard inside! :)

Original setup

These are engine outlines (and details) before changing anything:

Project plan

Current goal : Achieve maximum power output from current mechanical design with reliability in the long run. Good driveability and fuel economy is also in sight.

Future plan : Additional mechanical improvements possible (larger injectors, big turbo, etc.)

Project stages

Design section


How to start? -I think it's easier to go by little steps. Maybe I try to control EFI first and leave ignition to motronic.

Issues with this configuration:

Any suggestion is appreciated...

Hungarian section...


Már régen rá kellett volna rakni.. :) Ismerem a kocsidat Nyíregyházán én is állítgattam a motronicot de tökéletes soha nem volt. A csörgés mindig megmaradt. Rakjál fel egy nagyobb turbót mert a diesel turbo nem erre való. A csináltatott hf tömités hogy birja ?



Ezek szerint Te voltal, aki a mostani chip-eket csinalta? :)

Azt hiszem nem sok ertelme van ezzel szenvedni, a gyari szenzorok nem teszik lehetove, hogy jo legyen a rendszer.

Tudom, hogy kicsi a turbo, de egyelore a vezerles a program. Ha utana jut ra energia, stb. lehet mas mechanikai atalakitas is :)

A hengerfej egyelore jol van (ugy tunik).
