MembersPage/GergelyLezsak/Nitrous (2009-01-08 17:23:59)

Nitrous control

As many of us using big turbos (especially me :), it's a good idea to spool it with nitrous injection.

Unlike with other technics (launch and ALS), I'd like control it a way to stay in traction which is much favourable in street conditions.

My first idea is a dry kit with PWM-able solenoid, like this one:

Interesting part is controlling such a system with VEMS.

I thought a pwm reference table similar to current boost reference table logic, RPM and KPA for axis, and duty for values.


Existing logic is probably OK to switch configs when N2O is on or off, to handle ignition change (and fuel?)

Or alternatively if this is hand-in-hand by nitrous volume (rated by pwm duty) a simple config value is enough information to add extra fuel(?)


AFAIK this is not common in other (big brand) ECUs, so it might be a good idea to take advantage and give support for such an advanced (and cheap) control possibility.


Write your thoughts here!