MembersPage/FredrikBruland (2006-07-22 17:32:00)

Hey fellow Vems fan.

I am currently working with an R25DET engine that has the multitooth trigger system.

The triggers on the wheel have 2 circles. outser circle has 360 holes and the inner one has 6 holes for each cyl.

The optical triggers detect 120 degrees and 1 degree.

I have not finished the Vems yet so will do so asap to get some testing.

I dont have any clue about multitooth triggering so any help would be appreciated !



How to change map sensor:

{{I have a 4.2 kPa map sensor and MT started up with an error like this:


I changed some data in the vemsv3.ini file:}}

Run MegaTune -> Basic setting -> MapRangeUnit = 4 (>510kPa )

-> Table kPa unit = 2 (high boost)

Locate and open Megatune2.25/mtCfg/vemsv3.ini


MTversion = 2.25 ; MegaTune itself; needs to match exec version.

versionInfo = "S" ; Put this in the title bar.

queryCommand = "Q" ; MSnS returns 30

  1. if 12X12

signature = "VEMS v1.0 12x12 kpa=2,2" <-- Change 2.2 to what ever you have.

Save'n exit.

Choose VEMS Genboard V3 12x12 High-Boost.

The settings in MT still shows red on the settings but atleast I get correct readings from my 4.2kpa map sensor.