MembersPage/EzDi (2005-07-14 22:33:20)

My project car is a 1st gen Saturn I've had for years.

I've been working towards turbocharging it, but I always find myself in the research/engine=can o' marbles stage.

To this end I was originally looking at various hacks of the stock PCM (once I was intelligent enough to realize it wouldn't magically work). Then I moved up to the MS, but started to think that it wasn't much better than hacking the stock PCM or jury-rigging the well-abused GM P4 ECU to work. So I started looking into putting something together myself and stumbled upon this site which seems to do almost exactly what I was thinking of and even seems to use the same major IC's I was thinking of designing around.

I'm hoping to be able to get the VEMS up as a complete replacement for the stock PCM with all the lovely joy that comes with it. After that I want to work on IonSense to compensate for the noisy engine and low resolution crank sensor. I have a bit of experience in some small embedded system projects and some in C, but I'm mainly a hardware guy.

Been insanely busy lately, should have the car ready to go in a couple weeks and then get to hacking. Will stop by IRC some more, hopefully some people are on to discuss...