MembersPage/BorisRieken/TryingToStart (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

Forget essays. Make subsection, or even subpage of each subsystem. Don't let subsystems mix, and . Find at least 4 installs from MembersPage that are split to min. 5..6 pages. Read them.

primairy trigger i'm using a VR sensor with a 60-2 tooth wheel. It's an Opel C20NE engine. The VR+ is connected to EC36pin27. IAT,TPS,CLT is responding nicely. Only need some minor calibration maybe. I use a passive wasted spark coil. That is connected to EC36pin34 and EC36pin36. Can someone help me in the right direction?

MembersPage/PhatBob You need to use a timing light to check the spark timing is showing the correct adavance (which is determined by the cranking advance setting). Make sure that there is no power going to the injectors so that the engine doesnt flood.

I don't have a timing light yet. Is it still possible to start my engine. I just wanna know right now. If I build something that actually runs/idles.

Have a read of this:

As it covers the starting proceedure

Cannot read the .doc file (tried MS Office and OpenOffice)


I'm gonna try to put some information on this page. To help others understand what I have connected to VEMS. And how it is connected.

Information from Webshop

SignalECU PinComments
Primairy Trigger = VR EC36Pin27No signal in Megatune
Secondairy Trigger = HallEC36Pin13Don't need this in the beginning
CLTEC36Pin14Gives signal in Megatune. Not calibrated
IATEC36Pin02Gives signal in Megatune. Not calibrated
Injector 1EC36Pin07Not tested
Injector 2EC36Pin19Not tested
Injector 3EC36Pin08Not tested
Injector 4EC36Pin20Not tested
Coil Cyl 1-4EC36Pin36Not tested
Coil Cyl 2-3EC36Pin34Not tested
Fuel pumpEC36Pin09Not tested
RPM outEC36Pin17Not tested
TPSEC36Pin01Is working correct!
MAPInternal 250kPaSeen it working correctly
WB02EC18 ConnectorDid some calibration with Hyperterminal


To keep this page clean I will put all my questions inside a table. Please put you answer inside a row. So it's easy to find an answer to a particular question.

The key to clean page is not the table format. Actually, bullet format is better for questions. When you post a question about your fuelpump, you WANT TO

With questions of enough detail it is possible to give good answers.

Otherwise you'll likely get answers like "follow the manual".

What firmware to use?
Where to get some basic config.txt and tables.txt to start with?
How do I configure my 60-2 trigger wheel?
How to set all my inputs and outputs right inside config.txt
Can someone make a base config for me?
Is there enough information on my MemberPage to make a config.txt?