MembersPage/BorisRieken/TryingToStart (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

Ok guys. I need some help. I need to know step by step what to do, to get my engine running. As primairy trigger i'm using a VR sensor with a 60-2 tooth wheel. It's an Opel C20NE engine. The VR+ is connected to EC36pin27. IAT,TPS,CLT is responding nicely. Only need some minor calibration maybe. I use a passive wasted spark coil. That is connected to EC36pin34 and EC36pin36. Can someone help me in the right direction?

MembersPage/PhatBob You need to use a timing light to check the spark timing is showing the correct adavance (which is determined by the cranking advance setting). Make sure that there is no power going to the injectors so that the engine doesnt flood.

Have a read of this:

As it covers the starting proceedure