MembersPage/BillHart/LoggingDongle (2006-01-19 08:47:22)

I am considering a simple, low cost logging dongle for use in harsh environments:




BoM, board, assembly and testing = cheap

Firmware = easy

Podded in epoxy = ruggedness

Anyone interested, please chime in. Cost for members should be kept in the $20 range.


I have no C skills and do not have the tools to contribute to the above (schematic or layout). It is less time for me to generate it in assembler and Orcad. My path will use Cygnal C8051F320 as I have the tools, can code the 8051 assembler, it has UART and USB on board as well as all the clock stuff. The BoM becomes USB connector, 320, Sflash, Vreg (Sot23), RS-232 level shifter and DB-9. There will be a few caps thrown in for the level shifter and regulator. No need for others to support software or hardware design. I can do schematics and layout in Orcad in my sleep (I am not good, it is just too easy). If interested, it can be for the group only as a development tool. There is no need to produce it (or have it meet production criteria). I will probably have to do this anyway for my work.