MegaTune/ErrorNew (2006-03-22 02:32:45)

timing.c missing from zip.

Mar-14-06 - reported by Dana Scott

In Fan,Water and Fuelpump settings. If I set Coolant fan start temperature to 70 degC, the config value on my LCD value changes to C6. 71 degC gives LCD C8.

This is correct, since the internal format is still degF+40 (71 * 1.8 + 32 + 40 = 200 = 0xC8) unless the tables changed by the tuner (eg for wider range. In this case LCD and megatune with default vemsv3.ini will read fake, eg. 10C lower than reality)

First pass at this has the following results

r028 complete package, with 1.0.23 firmware

This is the generated output\n

Ran r30 \Tools on r28 distribution it at least reported errors ( complained about shiftcut)

Currently under Beta test for emil_

emil_ provided a download place for me to test.


Proposed Check sequence

Steps to be checked

Configuration changes from MegaTune

Test Results:

Basic results: