
This page contains very basic info about electronic components

Links would be helpful, the info is certainly out there, no need to duplicate.

SMD sizes

SMD components are preferred to thruhole, because boards with SMD components are much more durable, and manufacturable with higher quality.

Electrostatic discharge


Capacitans Conversion Table
0,000 001 uF = 0,001 nF = 1 pF
0,000 01 uF = 0,01 nF = 10 pF
0,000 1 uF = 0,1 nF = 100 pF
0,001 uF = 1 nF = 1 000 pF
0,01 uF = 10 nF = 10 000 pF
0,1 uF = 100 nF = 100 000 pF
1 uF = 1 000 nF = 1 000 000 pF
10 uF = 10 000 nF = 10 000 000 pF
100 uF = 100 000 nF = 100 000 000 pF

Wattage for resistors and diodes

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Thermal equations


TO220 junction to environment is tipically 60K / Watt, which means that for 50C environment and 1W the junction will be 110C.

When a heatsink (say 10K/Watt) is applied, much higher power can be dissipated safely than without the heatsink (TODO: real example, look up junction to heatsink thermal conductivity).

Electronic links