

Important: check GenBoard/Manual/Wiring/ManifoldAbsolutePressureExternal for the pinout of packaged external sensor (though 5V packaged is pin-compatible with the bare sensor).


The "bare" version (top-left of the above picture) is ment to be mounted in the ECM case:

The adapter is designed to carry the 400kPa MPXH6400 sensor. Motorola packages this nice sensor in SMD only, so a PCB was necessary for a clean install. Output is compatible with the more common MPX4250AP sensor, but features 400kPa range instead of 250kPa. Recommended for > 130kPa (1.3bar, 18psi) boost.

there are some simple extras onboard, like

Mounting the 5V "bare" version

The "bare"-board is ment to be mounted vertically in the Alubos case, perpendicular to v3.x


The image is taken before hotmelt is applied (at the connection of the boards and the sensor nipple).

When mounting onboard GenBoard/VerThree, for mechanical stiffness:

Internal "bare" version is only practical with 5V supply, to match the supply provided by the GenBoard/VerThree header. It's possible to order the "bare" board with 12V supply, for other applications, if you really know what you are doing.

Pinout of the 5V, 400kPa version: "bare" or packaged

pin nr. signal range note
1 MAP output 0 .. 4.8V 20..400kPa
2 GND 0V  
3 5V in 5V max 10mA
4 temp out 0.5 .. 4.5V only for the 400kPa version; NTC U(T) curve: similar to coolant sensors, 2.5V at +25C
5 GND internal 0V  

The bare, internal version also has a 6th, not connected pin (so it mounts nicely on the 6 pads of MPX4250AP).

Pinout of the 12V supply, 400kPa bare version - you likely don't need this type. Either buy packaged, or buy the bare with 5V supply.

'''Important: while the 12V supply is a nice option for the external GenBoard/Manual/Wiring/ManifoldAbsolutePressureExternal, for the internal the 5V is what you likely need when used inside the v3.x case. The 12V is only for special applications, not suitable for direct mounting on GenBoard/VerThree.

Note that populated this way, the supply has a wide range, and the 5V is output, not input. Applying 5V to the 5V output is not supported, it might damage the unit.

pin nr. signal range note
1 MAP output 0 .. 4.8V 20..400kPa
2 GND 0V  
3 5V out 5V max 80mA. Useful for HALL, TPS, etc...
4 temp out 0.5 .. 4.5V NTC, similar U(T) as CLT
5 GND internal 0V  
6 +12V in 6.3 .. 16V  

See also