
Old page, effecting a few installs (4 known) with secondary-trigger HALL signal actually used with the first few v3.3 of a batch at the very end of 2005. Fixed immediately, including the remaining boards of that batch and any later batch.

So this is historical...

When to replace C103 and why

On v3.3 series, with the introduction of the InputTrigger/AudiTrigger, the secondary_trigger section was reworked to allow the 3-signal trigger system. Unfortunately a component, C103 was populated with 220nF instead of 1nF. Confusingly, on the GenBoard/VerThree/Schematic, C103 looks like 1nF because of the 1nF text that in fact belongs to C33. A closer look reveals this, but it was discovered a bit too late. Since many setups only use the primary trigger, or use just the VR part of secondary_trigger, this was discovered late. Note that during simple hardware testing, the secondary trigger signal did reach the AVR. The recommended thorough OnlineCourse/OffEngineTesting, over the RPM range detects if the installed secondary trigger is affected.

When secondary_trigger HALL signal is actually used, either just the HALL or together with the secondary VR (in InputTrigger/AudiTrigger setup), abnormally high 220nF value for C103 (together with the 10k resistors) causes a delay in the HALL signal: the falling edge (and the rising edge too if the HALL uses push-pull-output, but that is very rare) is delayed by appr. 1.7 msec, and when the HALL becomes inactive, the rising edge is delayed by an even larger appr 2.5 msec. This is too much delay to be neglected.

While a firmware fix might be possible, the hardware fix is recommended when the secondary_trigger HALL signal is actually used.

Hardware fix

With the right tools, it might be replaced without unclamping the controller but it would resemble a gynecological operation. Might be simpler just to... :

Unclamping the controller:

See GenBoard/Manual/InputTriggerHardWare for the full trigger setup.

if you are affected

Write the

Customers who bought non-assembled v3.3 board in 2005

You'll get 10 Euro discount from next WebShop purchase: Just mention this, affected board serial number and orderid in the order note.

If you documented (see note 1.) that you plan to use HALL secondary_trigger (/camsync), link your details here and you get 50 Euro discount from next WebShop purchase (see note 2.)

Customers who bought assembled v3.3 controller in 2005

You'll get 30 Euro discount from your next WebShop purchase: Just mention this, effected controller serial number and orderid in the order note.

If you documented (see note 1.) that you plan to use HALL secondary_trigger (/camsync), either just HALL or both secondary_trigger HALL and secondary_trigger VR (in InputTrigger/AudiTrigger setup), link your details here and you get 120 Euro discount from next WebShop purchase (see note 2.)

Alternatively, instead of the discount for next purchase, you can send back the purchased assembled controller for a C103 modification an we'll do the modification for you at no charge, and ASAP. The shop will send back the controller immediately to the required address. Please contact the WebShop before sending controller.

If you happen to sell your v3.3 controller, please always inform the buyer: pass him the document of the C103 status and any modification you applied, and the original setup/specs of course.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. before 2006 Jan 5, 01:00 GMT
  2. purchase above 118 Euro (value calculated without EC-xx harness)
  3. For distributors who get discount for their purchase volume, the above mentioned discounts are ment for the original value (for a distributor in the 10% discount tier, 100 Euro * 0.9 = 90 Euro applies instead of 100).