History of VemsExecutives/WebShop
Older Newer
2005-06-27 08:59:17 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [price-group related shop improvements]
2005-02-12 23:57:48 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [added tasks]

Changes by last author:

Subpage for VemsExecutives

The WebShop department should cooperate closely with VemsExecutives/Ofbiz.

Tasks are

* shop improvements. Prices for items can be dynamic, according to price-groups. Without this, distibutors have a hard time. We must try to get (obviously by price strategy, without forcing) customers to buy through their distributors, not directly. Pricegroups can be, eg.:

** default

** for given country (eg. US)

** wholesale prices (for dealers who does not hide VEMs brandname)

** for given customer

** through given distributor

* making shop look good

* projections for manufacturing

* coordinating the supply-chain database buildup


* Jason Russell

* Richard Barrington


* Marcell Gal