History of VemsExecutives/Firmware
Older Newer
2005-09-28 22:59:20 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [my weak excuse]
2005-04-24 18:48:03 . . . . MembersPage/FredrikJagenheim [Added vague plans]
2005-04-20 11:31:44 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [Fredrik Jagenheim and Dave Brul]
2005-02-12 11:48:17 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [proposal]

Changes by last author:

Fredrik has been doing an awesome job with this. It's mainly Marcell's fault that trunk and advanced trigger is still not in use:

* partly motivation - the ARM HW is not ready yet

* partly because of load from other departments

** eg. VemsExecutives/HardwareDesign needed significant help to finally roll a (hopefully) working and manufacturable smart-round

** VemsExecutives/Manufacturing support required serious resources as well

** VemsExecutives/WebShop is no free lunch either, the new company is also much more job than we thought

Thinking of ways to allocate some of Marcell's time for firmware (hiring people here and there). Unfortunately little hope until 2005-12.