History of RoundV21/IssueFu
Older Newer
2021-10-19 10:03:46 . . . . 92-249-249-116.pool.digikabel.hu [Lambda]
2021-10-15 13:01:25 . . . . 92-249-131-146.pool.digikabel.hu [solution/workaround]
2021-10-15 12:51:02 . . . . 92-249-131-146.pool.digikabel.hu [solution/workaround]
2021-10-15 12:30:19 . . . . 92-249-131-146.pool.digikabel.hu [reproduced -FU in lab.]
2021-10-07 06:32:00 . . . . dslb-092-077-180-164.092.077.pools.vodafone-ip.de [Update]
2021-10-02 07:09:40 . . . . dslb-092-077-180-164.092.077.pools.vodafone-ip.de [WBO Issue response]
2021-09-30 17:21:44 . . . . 84-236-90-236.pool.digikabel.hu [-FU shown, investigating]

Changes by last author:

Configure to display Lambda, not AIM
Solution for now:
Some round devices (notably those manufactured in 2021-09) were shipped with an unusual config, that displays AIM-data or -FU if AIM not received. Admittedly annoying. Sorry about that.
Save config, edit vemscfg file:

* config.display_mode[0]=80

* change to

* config.display_mode[0]=00

* device HW always carefully tested several times before sending

* If not actually using AIM stream, it can be reconfigured in 4 minutes.

And File/upload config.
That should display lambda, and not AIM (which is not received => indicated by -FU).
We recommend to File/save config before proceeding.

* Also take note of some values (Advanced menu EGT and Wideband settings):

* EGT calibration: 151-152 usually

* EGT offset: 80..200 usually

** 0.5C / step, any value from 0..255 is normal if the device temp is roughly displayed as EGT temp when the K-thermocouple input is shorted

* Wideband pump_pw_zero: 99 usually (or close, eg. 98 less often)

* Wideband nernst_dc_target: 228 usually (mostly)


* Download [round_0.7.51.vemscfg] file to local disk

* File/upload config to device (with VemsTune)

** (Advanced/) EGT offset might be changed, so adjust according to your records, or calibrate with K-thermocouple input shorted

Alternatively: Edit vemscfg file:

* config.display_mode[N]=0x instead of 8x

* config.display_mode[N]=5x instead of Dx (but AFR is counterrecommended)

* eg. (most importantly)

** config.display_mode[0]=80 <= display data from AIM input

** change to

** config.display_mode[0]=00 <= display lambda measured by device

File/upload config (choose the edited vemscfg file).

After that, device displays lambda, and not AIM (which is not received => indicated by -FU).