History of OrangePiPc/DataLogger
Older Newer
2019-08-16 15:13:16 . . . . 78-131-70-122.pool.digikabel.hu [minor: notes and formatting, list dependencies]
2019-08-16 11:39:57 . . . . 78-131-70-122.pool.digikabel.hu [splitting poweruser info to separate page]
2019-08-16 11:22:44 . . . . 78-131-70-122.pool.digikabel.hu [minor: notes and formatting, list dependencies]
2019-08-16 08:44:49 . . . . static.kpn.net [updated OrangeLogger features, with screenshot]
2017-06-04 16:16:36 . . . . catv-80-98-142-196.catv.broadband.hu [logger notes]

Changes by last author:

See BuildrootOrangePiPc (fast boot)
Orange Vemslog

Stand alone logging application that can be run on OrangePi, RaspberryPi or any Debian Jessie Unix and features the following:

Stand alone logging application that can be run on Orange PI, Raspberry PI or x86 Unix (Debian jessie 32, stretch or buster x86_64, possibly Ubuntu, it has very few dependencies) and features the following:
* Very fast access to logfiles (automatically, without manually moving SD cards) possibly over wired or wireless network
* lives together happily with other loggers (eg. dyno) video and audio display/recording applications (eg. motion, ffmpeg, mencode, ... digital "mirror" or matrix/riot video conference) on the same hardware
Download (dynamically linked binaries for GNU Linux glibc):
Available for download in location:
* [OrangePi Arm-Hf]

* [Debian Jessie x86]

* [Debian Jessie x86]

* [OrangePi Arm-Hf]

Other, as-is (object dependencies listed)

* [OrangeVemslog_aarch64_Ubuntu_bionic] for Orange PI PC H5 ARM aarch64 (linux-vdso.so.1 /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 /lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1) similar to Debian buster

** note: Raspberry 3 also uses same aarch64, untested (YMMV)

* [OrangeVemslog_x86_64_Debian_stretch] (linux-vdso.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2)



Orange PI PC arm-hf binary might be compatible with raspberry arm-hf 32 bit (raspberry is not a release target at this time, and might not be supported; create page, share your experience and request help if you need it)

* perhaps depends on Debian Jessie or Ubuntu library details, if that is used (these systems boot slow >15sec usually)

** if attempting to run on buildroot (fast boot), glibc is essential

See also:

Orange PI PC arm-hf binary __might be__ compatible with raspberry arm-hf 32 bit (although raspberry is not an initial target, and might not be supported)

* perhaps depends on Debian Jessie or Ubuntu library details, if that is used (slow boot)

* Orange PI PC H5 and Raspberry 3 in 64 bit mode need different compile (64 bit toolchain)

* OrangePiPc/DataLogger/PowerUser

* BuildrootOrangePiPc (fast boot)