History of OnlineCourse/UartComm
Older Newer
2006-01-16 17:24:46 . . . . 90.net100.skekraft.net
2006-01-16 06:13:11 . . . . MembersPage/BillHart [Is emulator code available?]
2005-11-28 01:42:07 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [updated with some implementation details]
2005-08-27 01:57:35 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [linked CanBus and libserial]
2004-11-11 20:12:56 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [added comm.c perl model]

Changes by last author:

A: Probably still available, but not up to date and usable. Use a board for testing instead
* useful for testing (or debug) MegaTune or MegaTunix, especially when several pages of configuration is involved: whenever there is a question if a particular incompatibility is caused by firmware or MegaTune (possibly configuration) issue it's just a matter of some prints to find out

* it can read config from mtt file

* the example shows a redirect using no serial-port at all (that is tested on linux), but it can also be used with 2 serial ports (between 1 or 2 computers, with possibly different OS, each of which could run the tuningsoftware or the model).

* This havent been following development of comm.c and megatune ini files, as we found it simpler to use a board for testing anyway.