History of MembersPage/RichardChwiendacz/EscortGTProject/VEMSBoard
Older Newer
2005-06-17 07:28:14 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [note about listed trigger wheels]
2005-06-12 20:11:52 . . . . RichardChwiendacz
2005-06-12 20:04:04 . . . . RichardChwiendacz [Added new page.]

Changes by last author:

This trigger is only supported for a distributor setup with current firmware.

* Not immensely huge task to add support though.

* closing one of the 2 windows on the inner ring would work too (fully sequential ign: even COP)



Unfortunately I cannot tell from the picture how many pulses it makes in 1 cam-rotation and what positions/lengths.