History of MembersPage/HansK/OpelC
Older Newer
2006-10-12 13:28:38 . . . . HansK [Trigger errors - update]
2006-10-12 09:32:45 . . . . HansK [Trigger errors - update]
2006-10-05 21:05:14 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [list of possible problems]
2006-10-05 14:26:59 . . . . HansK [Trigger errors]
2006-09-28 15:28:59 . . . . MembersPage/TonciLoncar [answerd a question and added my config to try]
2006-09-28 13:32:47 . . . . HansK [Trigger errors]
2006-09-27 13:21:52 . . . . HansK [Re: signalgen.]
2006-09-26 22:20:58 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [stim hints]
2006-09-25 11:58:08 . . . . HansK [Trigger errors]
2006-09-25 11:55:37 . . . . HansK [Trigger errors]
2006-09-20 06:24:09 . . . . HansK [Thanks..]
2006-09-19 14:02:22 . . . . MembersPage/DaveBrul [firmware compile not needed]
2006-09-19 13:34:03 . . . . HansK [need firmware compiled.]
2006-09-19 07:05:23 . . . . HansK [updata, need help.]
2006-09-13 09:30:36 . . . . HansK [Trigger errors]

Changes by last author:

Thanks to TonciLoncar fore his trigger-setup, but I still got the the trigger problem. The W.. counter on mlp01 LCD page reach 10 in 5-6 seconds. RPM is right but it just drop to 0rpm 1-2 times pr. second.
Thanks Tonci fore his trigger-setup, but I still got the the trigger problem. The W.. counter on mlp01 LCD page reach 10 in 5-6 seconds. RPM is right but it just drop to 0rpm 1-2 times pr. second.
The last one is kindof likely. You should capture signal with scope or notebook soundcard. See ElectronicDesign/SoundRecorder. Especially with ALLOW_SLOPPY_TOOTHWHEEL (default compile option) it will work, eg. forgives sensing 57 tooth instead of 58: but counts wheel_error, and sparks 1 tooth late if the tooth was lost before the trigger tooth (which often is: typically the tooth after the missing tooth "gets lost" this way) when this happens. At higher RPM (where more than 1 tooth is likely to get lost), spark might be cut. Proper wheel, or raping the adaptive histeresys or pullup might get away the problem.
* The last one is kindof likely. You should capture signal with scope or notebook soundcard. See ElectronicDesign/SoundRecorder. Especially with ALLOW_SLOPPY_TOOTHWHEEL (default compile option) it will work, eg. forgives sensing 57 tooth instead of 58: but counts wheel_error, and sparks 1 tooth late if the tooth was lost before the trigger tooth (which often is: typically the tooth after the missing tooth "gets lost" this way) when this happens. At higher RPM (where more than 1 tooth is likely to get lost), spark might be cut. Proper wheel, or raping the adaptive histeresys or pullup might get away the problem.

** I took a pic of both the signal before and after LM1815, to see if a tooth was lost there.. it don't seem to.
