History of MembersPage/Fuel
Older Newer
2006-02-25 09:19:40 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [plotted: note that it's linear]
2006-02-24 17:33:40 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [Please, let me know if this table is good enough to work with.]
2006-02-22 18:15:42 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [added look-up table for pressure sensor]
2006-02-22 18:14:00 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [Added code and look-up table pressure sensor]
2006-02-22 18:11:04 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net
2006-02-22 17:55:36 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [Look-up formula added + table]

Changes by last author:


P kPa Vout devision multiplier



# kPa Vout devision multiplier



Plotting the above with gnuplot


plot 'pres.dat' using 3:4 with lines title 'multiplier', 'pres.dat' using 3:($1/100) with lines title '*100 kPa', 'pres.dat' using 3:2 with lines title 'Vout'



shows that it's all linear. (note that pressure was plotted in bar using 1/100 so all curves fit on same graph, same y axis range).

Why do we need the lookup than? Simple slope and offset can be used the same way as for MAP kpafac and kpaoffs.