History of MembersPage/DamirMuha/Ionsenzor
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2011-11-10 23:03:18 . . . . cpe-188-129-114-147.dynamic.amis.hr [ion sensor]
2011-11-10 18:18:05 . . . . ppp046176043226.dsl.hol.gr [Quastion about difficulty]
2008-01-24 09:45:19 . . . . MembersPage/GintsK [Ion sense! scoping sugestion]
2008-01-22 22:41:35 . . . . [Ion sensor measurement]
2008-01-22 22:01:40 . . . . [Ion sensor measurement]

Changes by last author:

How difficult would it be to implement such feature in the Firmware? By the little knowlegde I have it seems that we need to modify the coils and have a tool that gives VEMS an input signal.
How difficult would it be to implement such feature in the Firmware? By the little knowlegde I have it seems that we need to modify the coils and have a tool that gives VEMS an input signal.

* for knock control i would be easy to implement(just connect signal to knock chip). But for PPP finding it's impossible to implement only to firmware. It needs one more CPU to process signal.

BTW now i have spark plug with pressure sensor. So i can measure pressure in cylinder and see if ion sensor is working good.