History of MembersPage/Cerozg/Trigger
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2016-03-25 02:19:57 . . . . catv-80-98-222-153.catv.broadband.hu [triggerlog shows clearly: ignition to trigger interference]

Changes by last author:

Subpage of MembersPage/Cerozg

* primtrig: VR: 60-2 primary trigger pattern

* sectrig: disabled in [vemscfg] (probably HALL on cyl head)

*'''primary trigger - VR 230 ohm resistance measured same value in both directions

** specified in manual as 270ohm, but measured three sensors that work perfectly with factory ecu and all three are 230ohm


[Triggerlog] - ignition interference noise present !


InputTrigger/TriggerLog select from gap to gap... Should be 58 teeth.

* sometimes 58

** however, VERY often, it is 59, 60 or 61 primtrig pulses

*** 62 primtrig teeth between 4.63 and 4.92 sec

** obviously noise is present

** so Zoom in => voila

** are you sure that triggerlog was captured with ignition coils fuse removed (or connector disconnected) ? Must be with spark not disabled...

** had you captured triggerlog without spark first, it would have been apparent what is going on

** the LM1815 applies adaptive hysteresis: this means that it can measure 140mV signal (at cranking), but at higher RPM the noise can be higher than 140mV (of course signal must be even higher in that case).

** probably the signal amplitude is relatively small, lower than 1V (2V peak to peak), right ? Did you think about taking note of that (for those who you request help from ?) when you were looking at scope ?

** does the noise also appear with trigger cable moved away from ignition, injection, WBO2 ?

*** especially from ignition, as ignition interference is obviously present

** note: NO injector PWM-ing (100% duty, 25.5msec)

** note: 60000/295 msec=203 RPM, good starter and battery

How was this triggerlog captured ?

* compression indicates => with sparkplugs in

* no acceleration due to expansion power => inj or ign disabled ?

** care to specify ?

* what is DC "bias" voltage measured at EC36/27 primary trigger ?

* care to upload scopeshot (or picture of it) ?

** with annotations of grid scale (time, voltage), and how it was captured

** care to tell us peak-to-peak amplitude at 200 RPM ?


Wiring details - especially trigger and ign relevant info

Picture ?

* grounding

* trigger related

** shield connected on ECU side only ?


Ignition details (fill in !)

* passive coils ?

** logiclevel ?

* transformer type ?

Ign Wiring

* cyl, EC36/.., colors, wire cross section,

* cyl, EC36/.., colors, wire cross section,

* cyl, EC36/.., colors, wire cross section,

* cyl, EC36/.., colors, wire cross section,