History of MembersPage/Agoston
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2009-03-14 17:39:42 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [warmup enleanment is easy]
2009-03-01 14:20:08 . . . . dsl4E5C2DD9.pool.t-online.hu [LPG Audi turbo on VEMS]

Changes by last author:

Current firmware 1073
Current firmware 1.0.73 (only newer firmwares are supported by vemstune)
Runs acceptable,but needs some refinements on software features side.
Runs acceptably. Idle tuning needed - after adding a schottky diode across the idle valve:

* (stripe-marked) cathode connected to +12V

* anode connected to the pin pulled to ground by the ECU

Main problem is that the current setup needs warmup ENLEANMENT,instead of the enrichment.Test showed that this is not possible with 1073,am i right?We need this feature.

Which latest firmware will be able to control this setup with the least possible bugs,problems,crashes?Tried the latest vemstune versions,all of them freeze after 1-2 clikcs!!

The current setup needs warmup ENLEANMENT, instead of enrichment. This is very easy: you can set LOWER THAN 100 values as the warmup enrichment values.