History of MemberPage/MilanaPerisic/Ignition
Older Newer
2015-01-01 07:00:00 . . . . MemberPage/MilanaPerisic [Answered Q's,lowered dwell,going WS very soon]
2015-01-01 07:00:00 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [hint: ign_dualout]
2015-01-01 07:00:00 . . . . MilanaPerisic [subpage]

Changes by last author:


Mcell hints:

*** I lowered the dwell to 2.5ms,i was familiar with >3ms dangerous...
*** I will switch to wastedspark 3x2 as soon as i get modul (in a week or two) so i will get rid of this coil,its bad in any way...