History of LogAnalysis/PowerCompare
Older Newer
2007-11-28 11:35:44 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [notes about v3gui 2007-11-27]
2007-11-24 10:24:34 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [fuel consumption example calc]
2007-08-05 08:44:53 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [v3gui notes]
2007-06-10 16:47:06 . . . . MembersPage/JasonRussell [Added low prio todo (non-metric units)]
2007-06-08 08:43:21 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [even better filtering; minor notes]
2007-06-06 16:59:03 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [road dyno howto]
2007-06-04 22:49:29 . . . . MarcellGal [notes on loganalysis]
2007-06-04 15:17:42 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [completed the torque calc (from whp measurements)]
2007-06-04 15:11:50 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [torque result (of whp measurement)]
2007-06-04 14:56:06 . . . . 3e44b89f.adsl.enternet.hu [torque Mwheel correction]
2007-06-04 14:46:41 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [dRPM/dt => torque constant]
2007-06-03 15:39:45 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [gear 2 and wheel_circumference]
2007-06-03 15:23:22 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [note about roaddyno power calculations]

Changes by last author:

drivetraintotal5=drivetrain5 * drivetrainfinal
Cruising fuel consumption (L/100km) octave example:


# 100km in m:




# number of cam rotations (injections) in 100km:


# msec


# effective injpw is shorter than real (because with 30V flyback injector opening takes longer than injector closing). But we have 5 injectors:


# injsize cc/min for 3.5bar fuel pressure: 630 * sqrt(3.5 / 3) = 727 / sqrt(4/ 3.5)


# injected Liter


# result is 7.44L / 100km for 2.15 msec injector pulsewidth.

# About right, the minimum fuel consumption that can be

# reached with gasoline is about 8L when 90+% is cruising,

# with very little acceleration and braking and idle condition.


Using the road-dyno
Street-dyno : analyze acceleration runs (aka "race analyzer")
* [download]

** first version with "race analyzer" was V3GUI_beta_2007-06-07.zip

** 2007-08-03 filtering and filename changes

** 2007-11-27 does not write output races.csv, but gear selection is possible by left-right clicking in the gridcell after the filename (v3gui remembers the selected gear in config/racesCache.cfg file )

config/v3gui.cfg example:
# mass / powertrain_efficiency (to get crank-torque from the measured wheel_torque):

mass=1500 / 0.8


# these are gear-dependent values instead of "drivetrain".

# Only used by v3gui_2007-11-27 or newer where gear can be selected

# by right or left mouseclick in the gridcell after the filename

# Be patient while it recalculates all runs.

1=3.6 * 4.11

2=2.13 * 4.11

3=1.36 * 4.11

4=0.97 * 4.11

5=0.73 * 4.11

When v3gui.exe is started, the program automatically processes c:\races\*.log and writes result to c:\races.csv output file

* experimental/raceanalyzer test also analyzes c:\races\*.log , but it does not write result to any file. It displays on a grid

When (older than 2007-08-xx) v3gui.exe is started, the program automatically processes c:\races\*.log and writes result to c:\races.csv output file it does NOT do this any longer (at least not in 2007-08-03, it should at least write output when one chooses "Race analyzer")

* experimental/raceanalyzer test menu also analyzes c:\races\*.log, but it does not write results to file. It displays on a grid

* TODO: better annotation of input files (the time in seconds is already seen, but we should see which file it was from. This makes it easier to examine the same log in time-based vemslogviewer)

* TODO: input files currently must be c:\races\*.log and output is always c:\races.csv

* DONE: better annotation of input files (the time in seconds and which file it was from. This makes it easier to examine the same log in time-based vemslogviewer

* DONE: input files had to be c:\races\*.log and output was always c:\races.csv.

** In 2007-11-27 the directory (that contains *.xls files) MUST be chosen (do NOT choose the .xls file but choose the directory that has one or more *.xls files)

* TODO: make Fnull gear and RPM dependent. Fnull does not change too much in gear 2, from 50 to 90km/h, but in gear 4 (or 5 !), Fnull can be significant as the air-drag climbs according to v squared and becomes the most significant part of Fnull.

* TODO (low prio): If this is going to be mainstream think about adding US/British units. I agree metric is best, but the average US customers won't use it if there are unknown units like newton-meters.
** TODO: when scrolling, the table headers should stick

** TODO: replace dRPM/dt/MAP with G-data for acceleration. Though if we make user-aided automatic gear-estimation possible in the future, that might be based on the less intuitive dRPM/dt/MAP. The G already depends on the gear (which we don't know). Lower acceleration caused by partial load might be mistaken as higher gear if the MAP is not considered.

** TODO: We can even remove the unfiltered dRPM/dt and the dRPM/dt/MAP

** TODO: correct-spelling of drmp to drpm

** TODO: make it possible to select gear from GUI for each race. This could be a separate widget at the left, filename,second => gear. The main outputgrid must be (partually or fully) be recalculated after each change. The filename,second => gear data might be saved to log (later only basename of files will be considered in a comparison, not the dir, not the extension ).

* TODO (low prio): make the input data (textfields) editable from GUI (for each session)

* TODO (low prio): write conversion help for the unfortunate: USA/British units.

** the app already supports conversion formulas, like "3700 * 0.45"

** for the pound => kg that's all

** if you want to scale the output (either to get lbsfoot instead of Nm or to compensate for drivetrain losses), scale the mass (and the Fnull) proportionally. You can use this to estimate crank-torque, the same way dyno-shops do: they estimate that powertrain losses are 15%, than 85% gets to the wheel: to get crankshaft data from wheel-measured data you just divide mass by 0.85. Note that you need to scale up the Fnull as well (but you don't know Fnull very precisely anyway).

* TODO: make it possible to evaluate cruising (fuel consumption in function of certain conditions like ignadv and lambda). Currently only RPM-climbs are considered (everything else filtered out), while cruising has quasi-steady RPM (filter would be sg like CLT>60C && RPM >2800 && RPM <2500 && MAP > 30kPa && MAP <70 kPa ). Besides the input filter, the output data could be configurable and also written to time-based textfile in tab-separated format for easy plotting by gnuplot