History of HungarianElectoralFraudOtherCircumstances
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2018-04-10 00:56:48 . . . . catv-86-101-250-44.catv.broadband.hu [history before the fraud URL: law]
2018-04-10 00:41:02 . . . . catv-86-101-250-44.catv.broadband.hu [history behind the Fraud]

Changes by last author:

See HungarianElectoralFraud

There are many circumstances culminating into the fraudulent elections of 2018.

Most of the circumstances (like most things behind the curtain) cannot be proven, or are subjective, but makes it easier to understand the history.

* 1989, 1994 democratic elections

** lotsof criminal acts before Fidesz, but usually the criminals were not proud of it, and tried to conceal it

* 1998: Fidesz wins

** around 2000, the moral of politic crimes changed qualitatively. From around the year 2000-2001, political crime and corruption in Hungary was simply a privilage, authorized by the laws, authorized by parliament, authorized by election

** eg. Fidesz politicians selling company to Josip Toth with large amounts of tax debt: a way they stole claimed tax from taxpayers: simply legal, "sorry".

* 2010-2014 Fidesz first term (the "KDNP" in Fidesz-KDNP is just a shadow-party, no facade, no compromise, just the name)

* 2013: Fidesz parliament accepts [new election law 2013/XXXVI]: heavily biased towards the reign gov (allows >2/3 of seats even with just appr 44% of votes practically; theoretically even lower)

* 2014-2018 Fidesz 2nd term. The government overtakes virtually all mass-manipulation media (TV, radio, newspapers). The more intelligent people read internet more (and even when listening to these manipulated media, have some sense of the manipulation and know to compensate), but some, especially in villages heavily rely on TV and radio (and not take time to view independent or other sources - eg. via internet, if at all).

* 2017-2018 gov campaign (paid by taxpayers, campaigning for Fidesz-KDNP to continue as gov after 2018) is full nonsense

** Fidesz government rules the media and street ads by nonsense compain: nothing about healthcare or education or anything, just stupid propaganda about the "immigrants-danger" (there are more posters warning about the immigrant-danger in HU than actual immigrants)

** Prime minister Victor Orban refuses to get involved in any election debate or dispute

* 2018-04-08 HungarianElectoralFraud



We can admit that the gov propaganda was very clever.

* obviously they will say that the fraud is only smear, by those who think "they lost"

** btw, I'm not a member of any party, was not involved in any party. I just think that the fraud is beyond imagination, and this is the time to stop such government fraud.

* the gov FUD campaign also involved smear of "George Soros" (a billionaire living abroad),

** so in case of fraud claim, they will most certainly say "only Soros is paying" to turn the gov down

** the Fidesz gov and Orban Victor never hesitated to turn people against each other.

Fair voting means parliament seats are proportional to votes. Disproportional = unfair.

* Negative number of votes after 6:30 pm = fraud, no questions about it.