History of GoBox/ExhaustRecirculation
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2004-08-14 14:49:09 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [EGR]

Changes by last author:

Exhaust Gas Processing, Recirculation and Recycling as suggested for application in the GoBox line of Low Fuel Consumption Vehicles



Exhaust Gas Recirculation is a common technology to make

* better efficiency

* better emissions

It dates back to 1940 or earlier.


how does it work? how is EGR related to water injection ?

EGR is a practical cousin of water injection. EGR puts H2O, CO2 and some CxHx (back) into the intake.

The water in the intake gases take part in the combustion process - it is not inert as one would think (TODO: link the paper).

EGR vs. water injection:

* water tank freezing is no issue for EGR

* EGR also includes CO2 which is good for low power efficiency (pumping losses), but bad at high power

* EGR also includes some CxHx which is good for low power efficiency (but actually very small amount of CxHx than). Hydrocarbon powered vehicles exhaust gas still contains some unburned fuel, but this is not the main reason for applying it

* waterinjection cooling effect is better

* Naturally the exhaust gas can be very hot and this needs to be controlled (cooled).


unclear section

We anticipate to find a similar condition in the lean burn water and hydrogen (electrolysis gas) injected Motor like specified by GoBox/WaterCar.

So there are two things we want to do:

* Separate reutilizable components by means of electrostatic and magnetic GoBox/IonSeparation

* Exchange some of the heat to be reutilized in the vacuum mode Electrolyzer water (vacuum cools)