History of GenBoard/Firmware/BuildFirmwareFAQ
Older Newer
2005-09-28 23:23:09 . . . . BengtR [Syntax error in 1.0.18 firmware/makefile causing 'famous' CreateProcess error wh]
2005-04-05 18:26:08 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [note about the prebuilt firmware]
2005-02-11 13:44:00 . . . . MembersPage/GaborRacz [CMD unusability revealed]

Changes by last author:


Note !!!

The famous CreateProcess error happens (at least in Windows boxes) also when there is an syntax bug in 'makefile' located in firmware folder.

Like the syntax error in version 1.0.18 (it might be possible that earlier versions also suffers from this same makefile syntax error) firmware makefile has in line:

etc/airdenfactor.c: airdenfactor.c

correct syntax is


When 'makefile' file is corrected, firmware compiles OK from 'CMD' and also 'SH'