V3 aim stream settings

Subpage of Outputs menu

AIM stream settings

Aim stream settings


AIM TX Enabled on:

  • First Serial: Send via 1st serial (as traditionally), respecting the "teletype restriction" (even those receivers should pick it up that do not understand the bytesequence without the wasted gaps)
  • Second Serial (when free): Send via 2nd serial if 2nd serial is free (when not used for other functions like SD log GPS input)

Second serial Baud rate (fill 19200):
Second serial Baud rate selection, AIM default is 19200

Second serial Data bits (fill 8):
Second serial Data bits, AIM default is 8

Second serial Stop bits (fill 1):
Second serial Stop bits, AIM default is 1

AIM Speed div10:
Divides aim speed output channel by 10; For original Aim spec use disabled, if your dash/display shows wheelspeed * 10, enable.

AIM inputs

AIM Fuel/Oil Pressure/Temperature Input:
Analog input the your sensor is connected to.

AIM Fuel/Oil Pressure/Temperature Curve:
Calibration curve used to generate the AIM channel data.