# config 09/09/2004 Jason Russell # 1988 RX7 Turbo ported, T04e 60-1 turbo # this configuration uses a 24 tooth wheel as trigger # Priming pulse at -40 F [100 usec] eg. 0x40 * 100uS = 6400uS primep=00 # Priming pulse scaling at 170 F (0x80=half, 0xFF=same as cold) 0xA0 = ~63% primep_temp_scaling=A0 # typically cwh =~Â 0.2 * cwl # Cranking pulsewidth [x100 usec] at -40F (-40C) eg. 0xE0 * 100uS = 22400uS cwl=C8 # Cranking pulsewidth [x100 usec] at 170F ( 76.6C) eg. 0x40 * 100uS = 6400uS cwh=28 # Cranking threshold [x100 rpm] eg. 0x04 * 100rpm = 400rpm cranking_thres=04 # Afterstart warmup enrichment (%added value) 0x50 = 80% awev=0A # Afterstart warmup scaling at 170 F (0x80=half, 0xFF=same as cold) 0xA0 = ~63% awev_temp_scaling=A0 # Afterstart number of engine cycles, NOTE: This is not ignition events anymore awc=D2 # warmup_clt_range defines the temperature bins used for interpolation # the values in warmup_clt_range is degrees Fahrenheit + 40 # C = 5/9 * F - 40 # F = 9/5 * C + 72 warmup_clt_range[0]=00 # -40.0 C warmup_clt_range[1]=14 # -28.8 C warmup_clt_range[2]=28 # -17.7 C warmup_clt_range[3]=3C # -6.6 C warmup_clt_range[4]=50 # 4.4 C warmup_clt_range[5]=64 # 15.5 C warmup_clt_range[6]=78 # 26.6 C warmup_clt_range[7]=8C # 37.7 C warmup_clt_range[8]=AA # 54.4 C warmup_clt_range[9]=C8 # 71.1 C # Warm up enrichment as function of temperature, biased at 100 (0x64) warmup_clt[0]=8D # enrichment @-40.0C warmup_clt[1]=8D warmup_clt[2]=8D warmup_clt[3]=8A warmup_clt[4]=87 warmup_clt[5]=73 warmup_clt[6]=6F warmup_clt[7]=6D warmup_clt[8]=69 warmup_clt[9]=64 # no enrichment (0x64==100 which is *1.0) @71.1C and above # warmup enrichment can be decreased as a function of rpm. # set all to 0x64 to disable warmup_rpm[0]=64 # 100% warmup_rpm[1]=64 warmup_rpm[2]=64 warmup_rpm[3]=64 warmup_rpm[4]=64 warmup_rpm[5]=64 warmup_rpm[6]=64 warmup_rpm[7]=64 # injectors 4 x 550cc * 60psi # engine 1308 cc == 113.46 cid # req fuel == 7.4 ms change to 100us units -> 74 # doubled VE values and divided req_fuel by two to increase resolution # # req fuel is changed to 3.2 mS req_fuel=20 # squirt on every 6th tooth divider=06 # alternate injectors please alternate=03 # I measured the injector opening time with scope, by adding a 0.1 ohm current # measuring resistor in between fet and injector, then measuring the voltage # over resistor with the scope. I turned out to be ~ 1.36 mS injopen=55 # 0x55 * 16 = 1360 uS [16usec] based battfac=00 # changed to 00 from 28 -> 0x28 * 16 = 640 uS / Volt [16usec] based # not used injocfuel=00 # no pwm-ing please injpwm=0A injpwmt=64 injpwm6=1C # 4 Cylinder (12000/4) = 3000 (0x0BB8) # or 2 cylinder, 2 cycle... configged as 4 cyl for simplicity rpmk[0]=0B rpmk[1]=B8 # 0: TPSDOT, 1: MAPDOT acceleration enrichment tpsdot_kpadot_conf=00 # Accel TPSDOT threshold (throttle sensitivity), this specifies the # minimum rate of change to enable any acceleration enrichment tps_thresh=CC # changed from 04 to CC, get it to idle first, break it later # Acceleration duration [0.1 sec] eg. 0x0A * 0.1 = 1 second tpsasync=0A # Acceleration cold multiplication factor, biased at 0x64 eg. 0x64 - bias = 0 acmult=64 # Cold acceleration added amount (at -40 F degrees) [x100 usec]. eg. 0x14 * 100uS = 2000uS tpsacold=14 # Rate of change bins for use with tps_thresh. If 14 =< actual delta(throttle position) # < 28 then tpsdotrate[1] is the active bin. # define the tps-dot bins: d(tps)/[0.1 sec] tpsdotrate[0]=05 tpsdotrate[1]=14 tpsdotrate[2]=28 tpsdotrate[3]=4D # TPS acceleration amount (fn TPSDOT) [100 usec]. This is the acceleration enrichment # pulsewidth, the active bin is determined by tpsdotrate[]. tpsaq[0]=14 tpsaq[1]=28 tpsaq[2]=50 tpsaq[3]=6E # Deacceleration fuel cut, 100(0x64) means no fuelcut because of sudden tps-release. # This can cause lean condition, misfire, kill-the-cat etc, so take care. # 00 would be rough behaviour, other value under 96% (0x60) is dangerous, I'd leave it at 100%: tpsdq=64 # Decel fuelcut enabled above threshold [x100 rpm] eg. 0x0F * 100 = 1500rmp decel_fuelcut_thres=0F # Overrun fuelcut: injectors disabled above this [x100 rpm] # 16 (0x10) x 100 = 1600rpm when engine.tps <= config.iac_tps_thres (TPS fully released) overrun_fuelcut=FF # Overrun fuelresume, injectors reenabled below this [x100 rpm] # eg. 13 (0x0D) x 100 = 1300rpm. Must be lower than overrun_fuelcut. overrun_fuelresume=FF # Rev limit (hard) [x100 rpm] eg. 0x4B * 100rpm = 7500rpm rev_limit=60 # Use to avoid enleaning of AFR when idling due to increased intake air temperature. # A value of 98 (decimal) will limit the leaning of AFR at idle to 98% at 25C degress. airden_ignore=62 # 4 cylinder; mpx4250ap # bit1: nCyl-1 = 3 # bit0: 0=mpx4115ap;1=mpx4250ap config11=31 config12=30 config13=02 mt_unused=00 # Calibration of the voltage divider (VBatt) # the calibration is downscale only, if you use the v3.0 voltage divider # resitors (100k, 20k -> ADC0 = VBatt / 6 ), a good starting value would be FF, # if you have the new v3.1 voltage divider (75k, 22k -> ADC0 = VBatt / 4.409) # BB would be a good starting value (BB = FF / ( 6 / 4.409)) batt_cal=BB # Fast idle temperature, open solenoid valve under (fastidle - 40 Fahrenheit): # if you want 88F, set 88+40 = 128 = 0x80 fastidle=80 # mean barometric pressure baro=64 # max allowed difference in barometric pressure, else use baro=0x64 (100 kPa) dbaro=0C # tps, min adc-count tps_low=42 # 66 # max adc-count tps_high=F6 # 246 # Temperature when fan will turn on degC eg. 0x55 = 85degC fan_temp=55 # fun_temp-fan_hyst=temp when fun will turn off 0x55 - 0x09 = 0x4C (76degC) fan_hyst=09 # IAC configuration ########################################################### # # I don't really care about this section. My car has no fast idle method # # iac_step_seq=d8 # not used by my PWM controlled valve # iac conf, precise idle PWM (no stepper) iac_conf=08 # iac output on P259 IDL output (inverted, higher value = more air) #iac_sol_channel=INJFETi_4 # max allowed dutycycle is 75%, so max steps = BF iac_max_steps=BF # enable overrun fuelcut and iac below this. # strange internal scale, this is actually (15 / 255) * 100 = 5.9% throttle iac_tps_thres=0F # C = 5/9 * F - 40 = 66.1 C iac_cold_idle_temp=BF # C = 5/9 * F - 40 = 70.6 C iac_warm_idle_temp=C7 # 0x64 = 1000 rpm iac_cold_rpm=64 # 0x55 = 850 rpm iac_warm_rpm=5A # for starting 75% (max value) will do -> tune these later iac_cold_start_pos=BF # for starting 75% (max value) will do -> tune these later iac_warm_start_pos=BF # rpm added to target rpm after starting, for the duration of iac_afterstart_duration iac_afterstart_rpm=0A # iac afterstart rpm for the duration of 32 * 0.1 = 3,2 seconds iac_afterstart_duration=30 # steps per 160 rpm ?? iac_afterstart_steps=04 iac_kp=25 # increased to 25 from 20 iac_ki=17 iac_kd=A0 iac_integral_speed=40 iac_integral_limit_dec=10 iac_integral_limit_inc=20 iac_integral_deadband=14 iac_deadband=0A # enable assymetric PID behaviour iac_pid_conf=01 iac_overclose_interval=0A # data extra- / interpolated from Peugeot service manual: # # In a cold engine, you should see about 56-58%, in a hot engine # without load 40-44%, this will rise to 44-50 under load. The minimum # duty cycle is 25%, the maximum 75%. # iac_ref_pos[0]=99 # -40.0 C # 60 % iac_ref_pos[1]=99 # -28.8 C # 60 % iac_ref_pos[2]=99 # -17.7 C # 60 % iac_ref_pos[3]=8e # -6.6 C # 56 % iac_ref_pos[4]=87 # 4.4 C # 53 % iac_ref_pos[5]=80 # 15.5 C # 50 % iac_ref_pos[6]=80 # 26.6 C # 50 % iac_ref_pos[7]=7A # 37.7 C # 48 % iac_ref_pos[8]=77 # 54.4 C # 47 % iac_ref_pos[9]=73 # 71.1 C # 45 % # EGO configuration ########################################################### ego_conf=07 # 07 variable afr # Step size (percent) [0.4%] eg. 0x02 * 0.4% = 0.8% ego_delta=02 # Time constant (engine cycles) for changing correction factor ego_lag=15 # Min coolant temperature for ego enabling[F] eg. 0xC2 = 194degF (108degC) # C = 5/9 * F - 40 # 60 degrees celcius ego_coolant=94 #C2 # Max TPS position for ego correction ego_maxtps=FF # Min RPM for ego enabling [100rpm] eg. 0x0C * 100rpm = 1200rpm ego_minrpm=0C # Max percent to lean afr[0.4%] eg. 0x30 * 0.4% = 19.2% ego_lean_limit=30 # Max percent to rich afr[0.4%] eg. 0x80 * 0.4% = 51.2% ego_rich_limit=80 # Max rpm for O2 correction [100rpm] 0x32 * 100rpm = 7500rpm ego_maxrpm=32 # Max MAP for O2 correction[kPa] ego_maxmap=FF # Warmup time [sec] eg. 0x3C (60 sec) ego_warmup=3C # ego_target = 51 * O2_sensor_voltage ego_target=19 ego_pid_kp=40 # not used for the wbo2 incredible ego, only for NBO2_PID_EGO_EXPERIMENT ego_pid_window=FF # WBO2 ######################################################################## # wbo2 config with softpwm_act; softpmw_act_var is broken!! wbo2_warmup_ramp=A0 wbo2_warmup_target=FF wbo2_abs_limit=E4 wbo2_limit_maxt=A0 wbo2_fallback=60 wbo2_retry_t=06 wbo2_edgetime_corr=BA wbo2_edgetime_min=50 # o2 percentage of 'normal' air: 20.947%, calibrated to 20.95 wbo2_calibration=D0 wbo2_pump_pw_zero=65 # wbo2, target Ri (pulse amplitude) [5V/8192] wbo2_ri_target=96 # OPA amplification, g = 270/75 + 1 = 4.6 # Vadc = g * (5 - Vnernst) # # Vnernst DC at sensor wire = 4.45V # Vnernst DC at adc = 4.6 * (5 - 4.45) = 2.53 # # nernstdc_target = Vadc / g * 256 = 141 = 0x8D # wbo2, target nernstDC [5V/256] wbo2_nernstdc_target=8D wbo2_heater_pid_kp=46 wbo2_heater_pid_ki=10 wbo2_heater_pid_kd=1A wbo2_heater_pid_ilimit=80 wbo2_pump_pid_kp=2E wbo2_pump_pid_ki=1D wbo2_pump_pid_kd=08 # 08 wbo2_pump_pid_ilimit=84 # 84 wbo2_ri_confidence_scale=80 # KNOCK ####################################################################### # engine with bore 83mm and stroke 86mm # f_knock = 900 / (pi*r) = 900 / (pi * 0.5 * 0.083) = 6.903 kHz # from datasheet tpic801.pdf page 10 table#1 # bandpass frequency selection 6.94 kHz is closest to 6.903 kHz # filter setting = 29 hex (41 dec) knock1_frequency=29 knock1_gain=FF knock1_integrator=FF knock2_frequency=29 knock2_gain=FF knock2_integrator=FF knock_conf=FF knock_sampling_window=FF knock_default_retard=FF knock_max_retard=FF knock_maxrpm=FF knock_minrpm=FF # VE LEARN #################################################################### ve_learn_coolant=FF ve_learn_max_power=FF ve_learn_rpm_scale=FF ve_learn_kpa_scale=FF ve_learn_ego_scale=FF ve_learn_min_weight=FF ve_learn_speed=FF ve_learn_limit=FF ve_learn_conf=00 # lcd settings ################################################################ lcd_c0=FE lcd_delay=FF lcd_backlight=FF lcd_offs[0]=FF lcd_offs[1]=FF lcd_offs[2]=FF lcd_offs[3]=FF lcd_default_view=00 # CAMSYNC ##################################################################### cam_sync_f_edge_phase=FF cam_sync_r_edge_phase=FF reset_engphase_after=FF tooth_wheel_twidth1=FF tooth_wheel_twidth2=FF ## trigger and ignout setup ################################################### # Haltech setup from Hitman (modify to work with VEMS) # Factory CAS alignment # Use tooth offset (trigger_tooth) = 11 # Trigger angle = 65 degrees # Multitooth trigger # 24 teeth # 4.5mS dwell # falling output edge (coil fire) # trigger1, bit0 0:falling/1:rising, bit1 0:toothwheel/1:coil, bit2 0:no filtering/1:filtering # rising trigger for RX7 CAS use coil type because no missing teeth primary_trigger=07 # trigger2, bit0 0:falling/1:rising, bit1 0:toothwheel/1:coil, bit2 0:no filtering/1:filtering # rising trigger for RX7 CAS # Binary: 010011 (rising, enabled, no filtering, coil, camsync, single edge) secondary_trigger=1D # tooth wheel, active trigger tooth (00:missing tooth), trigger_tooth=0B tooth_wheel=18 # 24 teeth crank_minper=50 #(1.28 mSec) for std. coil tach signal # measured 115 degrees from first tooth after missing tooth to cyl#1 tdc # This is from Dave's config right now. I'm not sure where the trigger will start from yet... TDC maybe? # I've been hoping to at least get a coil to fire first. Then measure on scope. ign_tdcdelay=7C # 62 degrees = 110 (from missing tooth) - 48 (trigger tooth * 6) # good range for rx7 coils: 4.5-5.0mS. # 0x46(70 dec) * 64 usec = 4480 usec when VBatt >= 14V ign_dwell14=46 # dwell6 = (dwell14 * 1.2 * 64) / 27 # add 199 * 27 usec = 5373 usec to dwell14 when VBatt = 6V ign_dwell6=C7 # crank advance = 20 degrees ign_crank_advance=50 # Dummy ignition ign_out=70 # EDIS:0x0? dummy: 0x7? disable:0xff bit0: invertout # Only one coil for now ignchmax=01 engine_off_delay=08 # 2 seconds # seconds [*0.262 sec] before fuelpump is turned off at poweron (without start of engine) pump_on_mintime=0F # 4 seconds # output selection for fuelpump (digitalout) fuelpump_channel=P259_5 ## ouput channels ############################################################# act_wot_rpm=FF # WOT switch RPM threshold (FF=disable) act_wot_channel=FF # WOT switch output channel selector (P259_0) act_rpm_rpm=FF # RPM switch RPM threshold (FF=disable) act_rpm_channel=FF # RPM switch output channel selector misc1out_channel=FF misc1out_maxmap=FF misc1out_maxrpm=FF misc1out_maxtps=FF misc1out_minmap=FF misc1out_minrpm=FF misc1out_mintps=FF misc2out_channel=FF misc2out_maxmap=FF misc2out_maxrpm=FF misc2out_maxtps=FF misc2out_minmap=FF misc2out_minrpm=FF misc2out_mintps=FF ## EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES ################################################################## # injector staging inj_stage2_rate=FF inj_stage2_start_tps=FF inj_stage2_start_map=FF # ALS als_lowrpm=FF als_maxtps=FF als_ignretard=FF als_rich=FF #############################################################################################